1.I like how CNN and FOX both reported “Jewish Investor Steals Billions”. The fact that this guy is Jewish has nothing to do w/ his crime, other than that his religious/ethnic affiliation granted him access to a lot of rich, Jewish people. BTW, I am ¼ Jewish, although raised very Lutheran. This gives me enough pull to make jokes about their holidays and eating habits, but not the Holocaust.
2.And this is the bigger point. Faith is not a virtue. Specifically, blind faith is not something that you should be proud of. I have faith in a lot of things.
I believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. I have faith that I can use chopsticks to guide an ahi roll into my mouth. But this is clearly based on past performance. Getting close to debating Scottish genius David Hume and his criticism of induction, I will deflect. These assumptions are rooted in empiric evidence no matter how you spin it.
In a Darwinian sense, I feel that religion could not survive w/o the concept of faith. Religions that don't demand faith allow their disciples to logically demonstrate them to be untrue. Those religions tended to die out. Religions that demanded faith didn't leave any way for their followers to use logic against them, b/c they denied that logic worked against them. Those religions survived, and so most religions we have now are of that type.
The type that says: unmerited belief is not only specially regarded and rewarded by god, but doubting is specially loathed if not punished by him. Here’s the real Ponzi scheme…
Unmerited belief is presented as courageous risk-taking that will be recompensed in greater degree, whereas belief based on verifiable proof involves no risk and thus has no special merit.
So you believe me based on dubious proof and I will reward you for this leap of faith. This is how you get 19 lonely Muslims to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center.
The kicker is that God supposedly endowed us all w/ a small fraction of his intelligence. You know, “made in his image”? So he gave me reason and a limited ability to think about shit… I should use my brain to weed out false prophets and straw men and not buy that stupid Snuggie. But it’s somehow an insult to him if I use this intellect to try to figure out the biggest questions of our time?
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