This prestigious award deservingly goes to the group of scientists who determined that, "Seeing crash reports can worsen flying phobia". Essentially: People who watch footage of planes crashing may exacerbate a preexisting irrational fear of flying. No shit, Sherlock!
I wonder if people with shark phobias were a little freaked out after first seeing Jaws? Or maybe take a friend w/ a fear of snakes to see Snakes on a Plane in an attempt to try and combine as many phobias as possible into one film. The article asserts that the actual odds of dying in a plane crash are one in 70 million. But that’s why the term “phobia” exists in the first place. By definition, a phobia is: a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. Even though the odds of dying in an airliner are infinitesimal, the graphic images invoke powerful emotions in spectators.
I won’t extrapolate further, but clearly this year’s “No shit, Sherlock” award is well-merited. On a completely unrelated topic, here are a few more real life scenarios that I’ve recently encountered wherein I wanted to say something rude/crass but suppressed this overwhelming urge and instead will post the details here as a means of catharsis.
“What do you want on your foot-long?” Subway employee to me.
Another awesome interview (this time w/ one of the heads of medicine at Northwestern Memorial as he offers me a 2nd drink)
“Another teabag, Rupert?”
“Not to be taken orally? So I shouldn’t put these in my mouth?” Elderly woman at Walgreens pharmacy counter.
“My name is Bijal, but you can call me ‘BJ’.” One of my med school friends. Yes, her name is "Bijal" and some people do call her "BJ". I still can't do that w/ a straight face. I have the same reaction when I watch NFL on TV and see the Back Judge,or BJ, take the field.
“What do you want on your foot-long?” Subway employee to me.
Another awesome interview (this time w/ one of the heads of medicine at Northwestern Memorial as he offers me a 2nd drink)
“Another teabag, Rupert?”
“Not to be taken orally? So I shouldn’t put these in my mouth?” Elderly woman at Walgreens pharmacy counter.
“My name is Bijal, but you can call me ‘BJ’.” One of my med school friends. Yes, her name is "Bijal" and some people do call her "BJ". I still can't do that w/ a straight face. I have the same reaction when I watch NFL on TV and see the Back Judge,or BJ, take the field.
“I love dark meat.” My brother-in-law on Thanksgiving.
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