Now the kicker is that Fragile X often leaves patients severely retarded. From the many interviews I’ve seen, Phelps appears to be of at least average intelligence and probably more. Here are a few examples of pics that I collected from Google. Interestingly enough, one of the other signs of Fragile X is macroorchidism. That is science talk for gigantic balls, BTW.

These are real pics and the resemblance is clear in my mind. Phelps is probably the greatest Olympians and maybe the greatest athlete of all time. He has already accomplished more in his life than I ever will in mine (not to mention he has more money that I will ever see). But it’s hard for me to shake my suspicions that he’s retarded. To quote Seinfeld: “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”.
From here I wanted to write about the recent controversy about the film Tropic Thunder and the use of the word "retard" becoming taboo in mainstream society. As a champion of freedom I support the ability of this word to exist and it pisses me off that people are meant to feel afraid because a word is used. As I wrote on I felt the same about "the n-word" (the very fact that it's even called the n-word tells something about the fear this word instills) and faggot, both of which are basically forbidden now thanks to the word and thought police that is the govt and the PC, shit eating lawyers that run this country. Ironically enough, I became afraid as I wrote these thoughts down and decided not to put them here. If you want the uncensored version, feel free to email me. I am such a dego, wop, guido, guinea. I guess it's still ok for me to use those words because I'm Italian. Plus they are hilarious words, in the right context.
And in case you're wondering, here is a sample clip from Tropic Thunder that is garnishing most of the controversy.
Fucking jerk!! you are a dickless asshole! I hope you rot in your own eternal hell
I can not believe that you are actually a doctor..not any doctor that I would want to look after my health that's for sure. You really should get your facts straight before going on you rant, maybe you were sleeping during this part of your Medical Education. I sense that you won't even care about these comments and I'm sure I'm wasting my time(especially on bottom feeders like you), but nonetheless I'm entitled to my opinion. My beautiful son has Fragile X Syndrome and I would not change him for anything!!! He has more of a heart and common human decency than you will ever see. And as far as the "r" word and "severely", again you better study that part a little harder buddy. My son is highly intelligent and far from "r"!!!!
Like I said, more of a human being than you will ever be. I feel so sorry for your GF...God bless her for being with you.
1...I warned you there would be a backlash...lmao
2. FXS isn't a disease. Must have missed that in medical school
3. It must be nice for you to discuss the size of other peoples balls since apparently you can't see yours...only jealous people would mention it.
4. I hope you are growing more and more afraid of saying the "r" word...just like you seem to be scared to say the "n" word and others.
5. Some words are okay in the right context. You obviously haven't learned that yet.
6. Enjoy deleting this comment too. So much for being a champion of free speech.
7. My 16 year old just told me you make her feel smart...and not she doesn't have FX but she is blonde...do you have a word for that
Your inability to understand FX is incredibly frightening. Gosh, if you are a doctor I hope they don't let children near you. You're a horror.
Feels such a waste of time and space, still I feel compelled to write. You obviously are not a doctor!!! For one as a doctor you'd have more compassion, or did you go to school with intent to make money? It won't happen you're not qualified! Second, you'd know better than to make unqualified statements. It is such a shame you waste your "talents" on such malicious acts. Thankfully we usually meet much nicer people. You are such a sorry excuse for a human being.
If you are a doctor, you certainly need to learn more about genetics. Not everyone who has Fragile X is of below normal intelligence. I am a carrier with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in math and teach computer science. My daughter is a full mutation and graduated from high school and lives a normal life which, it sounds like, you'll never have.
You need to slapped and so does your mother.
First I don't hide behind a blog. I have a name and it's Eileen H.
Yep, I am Frax carrier. My son has the full mutation and has more common sense than you. He also been called retard by people who have as much integrity and compassion as you. Imagine that.
The word retard doesn't hurt me anymore and it doesn't scare me. People like you should be scared of people like me. Mothers of retarded, handicapped, special needs children--watch out. We fight bigger assholes than you could ever dream of much less be brave enough to stand up to.
I noticed you were fixated on the genitals of our children. You must have a little penis or maybe you were born without testicles. That may be the reason you make such pathetic comments about Michael Phelps.
I also can't believe you are a doctor. If you are you have harmed others and violated your oath. Shame on you. You must have been a child that didn't get the extra attention or help.
As for your GF, she is either a saint or desperate soul to be with a mutt like you. I shudder to think that you may someday reproduce. Thank God for the morning after pill. Tell your GF to stock up.
My deepest sympathy to your mother.
Isn't it so great that you have a dog to befriend you? It's a shame that they don't have time to teach ethics or bedside manner in med school. Or maybe just compassion. I expect you are right that you aren't going to be making a lot of money at this, or in any career that requires human interaction.
Wow.. this is the most active my blog has ever been. Thanks to all!
you should be ashamed of yourself. What you've written is hurtful and just plain mean.
My mentally challenged son (who has Fragile X) is full of joy. His teachers and aides have loved him so much that they have cried when he has moved or graduated to another school. He has a sweet spirit and magnetic personality. Unlike you, he is nonjudgmental and unprejudiced. If everyone in the world were as kind as he is, there would be no war. I would give my life for him and so would my husband. You have offended me
by your crude remarks. -- FX Mom
FACT: Phelp is mentally challanged.... deal with it
Retard is a medical term. My medical school textbook which is sitting right in front of me right now (i found this blog after googling fragile x while studying) says that fraile x syndrome is the most common cause of severe mental retardation. All you people who are so angry because your child is retarded can;t understand because you have an increased number of CGG triplet repeats and are somewhat retarded yourself.
Reading in a book about Mental Retardation is alot different than calling someone a Retard! In preservation of freedom, you sir, are an ASSHOLE! I wouldn't wish fragile X on anyone's children, but for you I'd make an exception. You have no idea what it is like for a parent with a child with FX. Just because you googled Fragile X doesn't make you an expert on the subject. As for your GF, the neurologist, she must be an idiot too! She says he is ugly but if she saw him in a bar, she would be the first one on his jock!
Michael Phelps is definitely retarded. No question about it.
OK Peeps - Fragile X - It is a defect with the X Chromosome labeled FRM1 which after the human genome was mapped was identified as "fragile X mental retardation 1" hence FRM1. It seems to be the precursor element of genetics. Anyways, my son has this FRM1 with a low amounts of repeats, however exhibits ADHD and Asperger Syndrome with OCD - His repeats are only 49 so he is grey area, Genetic testing has revealed other problems as a result of the FMRP (proteins) which do not bind properly with other DNA/RNA strands. Hence his behaviors. My son is extremely intelligent, however socially lacking. CAnt tell who his friends are vs the ones who want to take advantage of him. He is 20 years old now. Looks a lot like Phelps and conveys himself as phelps does. would be interesting to know phelps diagnoses. He must have OCD because he has obsessed with Swimming since a young age. Parents proabably ran with the ball and encouraged it. He most notably has publicly announce that he has ADHD - another identifier - My son has the flat feet, the face the joint condition and behavior issues which have subdued. Think is, dependent on the CGG repeats will reveal how complex this condition will relate, particularly later on in life. Be kind people, don't call others retarts or retarded in an offensive way. Its not becoming of anyone. Since the human genome was mapped in 1991 and this gene was identified and labeled with the word retard, they are not going to change the name. Maybe someone should lobby for it, however its symantics. Be human - RandallTKnight@gmail.com
You are correct in your guess of his disorder. It takes a professional or a family who has it or someone who studies medical stories and articles to know just at looking at them. I knew before he said anything about the ADHD. Just leave him alone. He's embarrassed about it. He may not know he has it. Someone will tell him. My father-in-law and son have it. It runs in families and skips generations.There are 3 degrees of seriousness. The more symptoms you have, the more severe the disorder. My family in in the mild category. Don't talk if you know what you are tlking about. This just proves your ignorance.
I believe that, though there is a point to all of this, the post was badly written and the aspersions cast are completely inappropriate. I am very naive about this syndrome, but from what little I do know, I too was curious of the implications.
I am not a Dr yet and am currently just a medical student who happened upon your blog while googling fragile X. While I can understand the kind of intense pressure our field places upon us that often results in various maturities of coping mechanisms I hope for the sake of my profession as well as yours that you will consider removing this blog. Certainly, it is an agreed standard within our profession that it is unethical to make medical diagnosis publicly (even of celebrities) without their prior consent.
Med Student
My son recently got diagnosed with Fragile X. Reading your comment made my day
Firstly, that was not a clever way to convey a message that was supposedly intended to make you look... intelligent or "not retarded".
As it would have been repeatedly mentioned, you sounded very disturbed judging from the fact that you are likely under enormous pressure going through or having gone through medical training that your ability to make an executive, informed decision has been greatly distorted. You may not be retarded, but you are impulsive and lack inhibition. You have beautifully executed that in your write up.
Having said that, when it is your blog it is your prerogative to decide what you want to write. However, in reflecting on this you might want to challenge your neurones as to whether you would remotely consider to be at least compassionate towards PEOPLE, who have medical condition. Perhaps by doing so you will find a lot of satisfaction from your medical profession, only if you have remained as one. Best of luck.
You are a piece of filth.
Doxing you is going to be fucking hilarious
past tense: retarded; past participle: retarded
delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"his progress was retarded by his limp"
synonyms: delay, slow down, slow up, hold back, hold up, set back, postpone, put back, detain, decelerate; More
hinder, hamper, obstruct, inhibit, impede, check, restrain, restrict, trammel;
"the process is retarded by bureaucratic red tape"
antonyms: accelerate
late 15th century: from French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- ‘back’ + tardus ‘slow.’
I think all of this pearl clutching is ridiculous and the few who were surprised or disbelieved that he is a physician epitomize said bizareness.
I have known many physicians and surgeons in my life. My parents are surgeons and my family going back many generation is littered with medical doctors. In the considerable majority of my experience around medical doctors it has never escaped me in the slightest that many are narcissistic, sometimes delusional, aggressively arrogant, disrespectful assholes. Recognizing how thick the medical community is with personality disordered individuals is like recognizing that blue is a color. If you cannot immediately see it then I would assume something is wrong with you. And, yes, perhaps it is low intelligence or your "retardation" that is hindering you.
It just bothers me that you people likely hold medical doctors in such high esteem when it they who are the cause of our terrible medical system that charges dozens of times more money and delivers the lowest results of any system in the first world. While traveling in Bulgaria I saw a GP who folliwed good medical practices better than 90 percent of the Americans I've ever been to. Bulgaria!
I mean....iatrogenic dearg/negligently killing your patient is estimated to happen to half a million people every year at this point. Why don't you morons cap6tch on. The profession is full of careless, incompetents.
And, yes, I kid you not: the statement I made about how many doctors are in my family is accurate. But, I'm not a doctor so I get to prattle on about what a gaggle of assholes they are.
Screw Doctors!
Disgusting article. I cannot believe how callous and insensitive this author is. If he afflicted with this who cares!
These comments are funny. I just wanted to share a personal story. My brother, Gorrest Fump, is a slow-witted young man and has never thought of himself as disadvantaged. Thanks to our supportive mother, he leads anything but a restricted life. Whether dominating on the gridiron as a college football star, fighting in Vietnam or captaining a shrimp boat, Gorrest inspires people with his childlike optimism. But one person Gorrest cares about most may be the most difficult to save -- his childhood love, the sweet but troubled Jenny. His story has been told around the world and praised by millions. We are so proud of him every day.
Why do you hide behind the "Anonymous" moniker if you are proud and happy to be calling someone a retard. You're just another bullying punk who has no idea what living with a person who is ridiculed in life every day for their disabilities. If it is true that Michael Phelps indeed has FRAX, then he has shown the rest of the insensitive asses that becoming a Gold Medalist is possible. Living with someone who has FRAX is a daily challenge for their family as well as themselves usually due to the stresses of trying to fit in.
Such an awful post. These kinds of articles, written by sad, insecure people behind the guise of anonymity, make me sick. I hope you're not a doctor. I would pity your patients. The words you say for the sake of 'freedom' are horrible, anachronistic terms with no use outside of those with fragile egos and narcissistic, attention-seeking personalities. FRAX is not a condition you can pin on someone on a whim. If you truly were a doctor, you'd know that. What a disgusting piece of literature. If there is a loving God, he either made you infertile or made you get hit by a car before you were able to have children.
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