Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Got a Freaking Shamwow for Christmas!

Of all the thoughtful presents I received this yr, ShamWow is my most coveted. I plan on knitting 2 of them together to make a Giant, Super Shamwow that I will use to dry myself every day. I will never need another towel for as long as I live! After tearing open the package I quickly spilled a glass of Merlot. It was like I ordered a $10, crack-whore prostitute and Heidi Klum shows up at the door. Talk about exceeding expectations! Bottom line is that Shamwow works great.

Which brings me to my newest product obsession: The Snuggie! Here is a quick clip of this piece of advertising genius.

It’s a blanket… with sleeves. That’s right: a blanket w/ sleeves. That’s it. The creative minds behind this concept are really targeting that segment of the population who finds it too inconvenient to lift your arm above a blanket, perform a random task (answer your cell phone, use the TV remote, etc.) and then reinsert said arm beneath the warmth of the blanket. Sadly, this is probably a larger demographic than I imagine.

The creators must also know that the Snuggie looks really stupid. It reminds me of the Jedi cloaks worn by Palpatine and Anakin in the latest Star Wars film. The ad is quick to counter that Snuggies are “Available in 3 colors”! If they offered it in white and provided a pointy hat, the Snuggie would be quite the attention getter. “Great outdoors! Great at KKK meetings”!

And the other stocking stuffer I’m excited about: The Tiddy Bear!

Not much to say about this, except they keep repeating the name “Tiddy Bear” when they show a closeup shot of some woman’s breasts. I thought that this was a joke but the phone number is real and you can seriously buy them online. Who wouldn’t want a nice set of Tiddies?

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